Downingtown Main Street Association (DMSA) is an organization that had immense success during its 14-year existence, focusing on main street Development, getting a Keystone Opportunity Zone (KOZ) designation, streetscape improvements and marketing development opportunities. The new Downingtown Main Street Association is planning to pick up where the last one left off with many new members who see the economic potential of Downingtown.
The Downingtown Main Street Association's Vision Statement is listed below. By leveraging Downingtown's assets DMSA, made up of business owners and residents, pledges to build and expand the Downingtown tax base in a way that will encourage commercial investment in the Borough.
Downingtown Main Street Association will be applying to the State to have Downingtown designated as a Pennsylvania Main Street Community. The Pennsylvania Main Street Program provides technical assistance and potential financial support for revitalization efforts. The application for this designation requires a resolution supporting the application from the municipality's elected governing board.
We are asking for Borough Council’s support for our group and are requesting anyone with an interest in the Borough's future to send a letter requesting Council to vote in favor of DMSA to Borough Hall prior to Council's April 6th meeting when the matter will be addressed.
You can get a sample letter at IDEALdowningtown's Facebook page. Or draft your own stating
"I am writing to express my enthusiastic support of the Downingtown Main Street Association and its application to be designated as a Pennsylvania Main Street Community. Please vote in the affirmative on the resolution to support DMSA's effort to seek this designation at your April 6, 2011 meeting."
Send this letter to
Borough Council
Borough of Downingtown
4 W. Lancaster Avenue
Downingtown, PA 19355
Thanks for your help. Working together IDEAL and the Downingtown Main Street Association can energize people who live or work in Downingtown to create a concerted effort towards Downingtown's Revitalization.
Vision Statement
Downingtown Main Street Association
To maximize the vitality of the Downingtown Community and thereby increase sales by existing businesses and thereby encourage new businesses to locate to Downingtown.
Together, the above things will increase property values and broaden the tax base of the Borough.
By maximizing the vitality of the downtown commercial district, the surrounding residential areas will witness an increase in their property values.
We aim to do this with minimum cost to the Borough by securing grants and by encouraging sensible, responsible development.
All along, we wish to make our Downingtown a pleasant place in which to live, work and recreate.
To this community building, we, the Downingtown Main Street Association, dedicate ourselves.
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