Sunday, February 6, 2011

Great event Thursday night! Thank you to nearly 70 who braved the cold and ice to enjoy good food and beer courtsey of Victory Brewing to share a vision of a vibrant and thriving Downingtown. The discussion was lively and brought together both new and long-time residents to meet each other and hear about the need to help the Borough flourish. A special thanks to Minquas Fire Company for making their social hall available and helping to set up.

Bill Covaleski urged the audience to work hard and not let much-needed projects be derailed by people who fear change. He shared the story of how hard it was for Victory Brewing to get their original approvals to start in Downingtown and the opposition they faced, yet they have now become a boon to Downingtown’s economy and a favorite destination restaurant for many residents. Maurie Kring, owner of the newly expanded and refurbished Chester County Paint and Design on Pennsylvania Avenue, spoke passionately from the perspective of a Downingtown enterprise looking to grow. “The Kardon Park project will bring in new residents to Downingtown which is key to making businesses grown,” he said. “It simply has to happen.”

The group heard an update on the Kardon Ponds project in E. Caln and Downingtown Borough. An analysis released by the developer and shared at the event calculates that the opposition's delays has already cost $1,600 per taxpayer.

Cara DeStefano who founded IDEAL Downingtown after learning that key new projects such as Kardon Park and the Minquas Fire Station/Molly Maguires restaurant were being threatened by opposition, expressed excitement at how quickly the group has already grown into several hundred strong and how pleased she was to see so many like-minded people involved. She stressed how important it is to be vocal and active in attending Borough Council meetings, to voice concerns to elected representatives, and to write letters and on-line comments to the Daily Local News. She noted that Borough Council elections this year are vital to ensuring a continued positive direction for Downingtown.


If you have friends who want to see new restaurants and businesses come to Downingtown and want to expand the tax base and property values which will keep the Borough growing and thriving, please send their name, address and email to We need your support by following IDEAL on facebook and adding your comments there, by writing a letter to the Daily Local, attending Borough Council meetings, and paying attention to our emails. Thank you!

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